In Puna, you don't always do what you're supposed to do; you do what is pono, or right.
Prudence Overmeyer, a Rhode Island refugee in her late 30's, has been on the Big Island of Hawai'i for 11 years now, trying to live a pono life. She lives in a small white house on a hill in the vast, wild, jungly regions of Lower Puna, the district where lava from Kilauea volcano still flows after more than 25 years.
Pru commutes into Hilo town a few days a week to work as a waitress at the Garden Snack Club:
"The Garden Snack Club has a tiny bell above its entrance that jingles anytime the door opens. First there's a squeak of the screen door's hinge. Then the delicate tingle of the bell announcing Customers! Then the clap of the screen door against the frame. It's a perennial sort of pattern that counts out the slow rhythm of days at a simple two-room restaurant in old Hilo town, on the Big Island of Hawai'i."
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